The Hampshire Grand Tournament - MESBG 2023

The Hampshire GT is aiming to become one of the premier events in the gaming calendar. A 650 points, GBHL 100 tournament with a great venue which includes open gaming and drinks on the evening of the 21 July 2023. It is a Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game tournament running on 22 and 23 July 2023. We are accepting 120 players to come and pit their skills against each other. We will provide an amazing atmosphere and epic, thematic boards for you to play on. Suitable for beginner and hardened players alike, all are welcome.

Ticket link:


Horndean Technology College, Barton Cross, PO8 9PQ

The event pack is below, scroll down!

DATES: 21/7/23 - 23/7/23 



Horndean Technology College, Barton Cross, PO8 9PQ

Tickets are available at 9.00am on Saturday 4 February 2023 and are likely to sell out quickly. They are £55 and include food on both days.

Ticket link:

Please note that refunds are available up to one month before the event.

Parking, lunch and refreshments

There is free parking on site, a fully licensed bar, and a canteen to keep everyone fed and watered. Please note that the bar is cash only! Please do not bring your own drinks. Lunch is provided on both days.

There will also be other food and drinks on sale at the venue.

Schedule for the Tournament


·         Open gaming: 16:00 – 22:00


·         Arrival: 09.00 – 09.45

·         Announcements: 09:45

·         Game 1: 10.00 – 12:00

·         Lunch: 12:00 – 13:00 (provided)

·         Game 2: 13:00 – 15:00

·         Game 3: 15.15 – 17:15

·         Bar is open until approx. 22:00


·         Game 4: 10.00 – 12:00

·         Lunch: 12:00 – 13:00 (provided)

·         Game 5: 13:00 – 15:00

·         Game 6: 15.15 – 17:15

·         Awards: Approx. 17:30

Timings: Games will be 2 hours long. Any games which do not finish in the given time limit will be played until the end of the turn when the time runs out, with a five-minute window until dice down.

Army Composition

For this tournament you will need a 650 point army

Please indicate on your army lists who is your leader, which factions your warbands are from and which type of army they are e.g. Green Alliance, Yellow Alliance, or Legendary Legion.

Army Restrictions

No red alliances allowed. Tom Bombadil and Goldberry cannot be played.

What you need to bring on the day

·         Fully painted and based 650 point army.

·         Any sourcebooks with rules for your models.

·         (FAQ’s for these are also useful although they will be on hand)

·         A copy of The Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Rulebook

·         A copy (paper or digital) of this rules pack

·         A copy of your 650 point list (paper or digital)

·         Measuring tape, dice, writing implements and any

·         Objective markers that you’ll need to play

·         A tray (Handy to save you packing and unpacking models all day)

Tournament structure and scoring structure

The first-round pairings for the tournament will be randomly drawn.

The tournament will use Swiss ranking.

In the unlikely event that you are drawn against an opponent you have already played please inform the judges and we will switch you around to find a new opponent. The only exception to this is game six where there may be rematches.


Win: 3 points

Draw: 1 point

Loss: 0 points

First tiebreaker: VPs scored

Second tiebreaker: VPs conceded

Third tiebreaker: Margin of victory


Terrain will be provided and should not be moved unless both players agree.

Army painting and modelling

All models used should be fully painted miniatures of the appropriate type for the troops they represent. Conversions and kitbashes are actively encouraged, as long as they clearly represent the unit intended. If you are in doubt, please contact Paul on

Models must be based on appropriate round/oval bases.

Models not painted or based will not be removed as casualties but will incur a substantial points penalty. You can still play but you will not win.

Armies should be left out for judging on Saturday lunchtime. Those nominated for best army and coolest army need to be laid out on Sunday lunchtime. Nominations for both will be decided by the judges.

Best Army: Technique, coherency, quality across the whole army.

Coolest Army: Theme, story, concept, general coolness.


At the end of your sixth game, you must decide which two of your games was the best ones. This will go towards the Most Sporting Award only and has no effect on the outcome of the Champion’s Award.

TO rulings

If you have a dispute over a rule, you can agree it amicably between yourselves or call over Paul. His judgement is final regardless of whether it is correct or not. Be warned, he tends to err on the side of rules as intended.

This is a friendly event, and it is essential that players conduct themselves in the right spirit. Paul and Wayne reserve the right to dock points at their discretion for slow play or general unbecoming nonsense.

By attending this event, you understand and agree to the below Conduct and Complaints Procedure:


·         HGT Champion

·         HGT 2nd place

·         HGT 3rd place

·         The Hero of Legend: You will score 1 point for coming 10th for gaming, 2 points for coming 9th etc. You will score 1 point for coming 10th in best army, 2 for 9th etc. (Nominees for coolest army will also be included in this category). You will score 1 point for coming 10th in sports votes, 2 points for coming 9th etc.

·         Most Sporting Opponent x2: This will be awarded to the people who have the most sports votes. There will be two awards for best sports.

·         Best Army 1st place: Armies will be nominated by the Paul and Wayne, please put out your army on Saturday lunchtime if you would like to be considered. The selected armies will be set up at lunch time on Sunday for the judges to find the overall winners.

·         Best Army 2nd place

·         Best Army 3rd place

·         Coolest Army 1st place: Same arrangements as for Best Army.

·         Coolest Army 2nd place

·         Coolest Army 3rd place

There may be other prizes announced at the event.

GBHL points and prizes

This tournament will be a GBHL 100 event for the 2023 Great British Hobbit League season.

Recording your results in Longshanks

You will need to register online at the Longshanks site. Search for the event and register. You will also need to upload your list or lists on Longshanks at least a week before the event. Please indicate on your army lists who is your leader, which factions your warbands are from and which type of army they are e.g. Green Alliance, Yellow Alliance or Legendary Legion.

Game results will be recorded by the players in Longshanks during the weekend.


Six different scenarios will be played over the course of the two days.

All scenarios will be played on 4x4 foot tables. They will be decided beforehand and announced at the start of each round. They can be found in the Scenarios section of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game Matched Play Guide.